Kumon of Upper Arlington North

Before/After school programs

This service provider requires payment upfront : Yes

Price Range: $150 - $150

Phone Number: (614) 974-7444

Email: sadhnajindal@ikumon.com

Address: 1214 Kenny Center Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220

Service Provider: 203424

Educational Value

Kumon is a learning program helping children in over 60 countries and helping over 4 million children at present and has been helping children from over 64 years. Kumon is a structured, proven self-learning program that gives children the critical thinking skills and mindset to learn new materials independently. The key to Kumon Programs is the individualized instruction, carefully planned by an instructor and practiced daily at home and in the Center. This afterschool learning program focuses on mastering the skills in math and reading, which helps children earn their best grades ever. Build study skills such as confidence, focus and work ethics. With stress on timed and accuracy emphasis we reduce the homework stress and test anxiety.