Ohio ACE Education Marketplace
Browse education service providers who have been approved to receive funds from Ohio ACE educational savings accounts.

Northern Wind GM
This service provider requires payment upfront : No
Price Range: $47 - $150
Phone Number: (216) 832-2194
Email: grandmastermayo1@gmail.com
Address: 8311 Superior , Cleveland, Ohio 44103
Service Provider: 240478
We here at Northern Wind are here to strengthen the body, mind and not only for selfdefense but also as a vehicle to reach greater spiritual heights. Success will depend on your ability to move and evade to keep calm and think, to strike and punch with authority, to maintain stamina and endurance in the encounter. Concentration is an indispensable and integral part of self-defense training. Each movement Is designed tor a purpose to block or parry an attack and to ready for a counter- attack. If practiced diligently and constructively, you will find our program to be a vehicle toward a keen mind, a healthy body, and a positive attitude. Among children and young people, evidence suggests that physical activity is important tor health and well-being. Regular physical activity improves strength and endurance; helps build healthy bones and muscles; helps control weight; improves mental health by reducing anxiety, stress, and depression; and increases self-esteem. The current physical activity recommendations suggest that children and young people aged 6-17 years should engage in 60 minutes a day or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, of which vigorous physical activity should be included at least three days per week. Martial Arts Fitness Program: The method considers the different components of the individual in the health maintenance process. The format was developed to strengthen the mind, body, and spirit of each participant. This is accomplished using a variety of exercises that are altered to accommodate the age, size, and physical condition of each individual and/ or group. Tai Chi: Improve a child's self-esteem, confidence, and physical strength. As a martial art, Tai Chi also teaches children discipline, a sense of inner calm, and appropriate social skills. Tal Chi can be particularly helpful to children with ADHD, anxiety, and physical disabilities. Qigong: Qigong can harmonize, strengthen, and have a healing effect on the functioning of all the internal organs and bodily systems. It increases the supply and flow of energy throughout the body, can have a variety of rejuvenating effects and is believed to increase longevity, and it induces calm mental and emotional states. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you as a student and extend to you my knowledge in the Art of Self-Defense.
Each Service Provider conducts their business differently and may collect payment for their goods/services in one of two ways:
1. Parent/Guardian pays for goods/services at time of service. This type of purchase can be reimbursed with OH ACE account funds directly to the parent/guardian via claim submission with an attached receipt in the OH ACE app as long as the parent/guardian has connected their bank account to the app.
2. Service Provider issues an invoice to the parent/guardian for goods/services. This invoice can be paid directly to the Service Provider using OH ACE account funds by submitting a claim with the attached invoice in the OH ACE app, as long as the Service Provider has set up their account to receive those funds.
Please check with each Service Provider ahead of a purchasing decision to ensure you are aware of their policy regarding payment at time of service or invoicing.
Each Service Provider conducts their business differently and may collect payment for their goods/services in one of two ways:
1. Parent/Guardian pays for goods/services at time of service. This type of purchase can be reimbursed with OH ACE account funds directly to the parent/guardian via claim submission with an attached receipt in the OH ACE app as long as the parent/guardian has connected their bank account to the app.
2. Service Provider issues an invoice to the parent/guardian for goods/services. This invoice can be paid directly to the Service Provider using OH ACE account funds by submitting a claim with the attached invoice in the OH ACE app, as long as the Service Provider has set up their account to receive those funds.
Please check with each Service Provider ahead of a purchasing decision to ensure you are aware of their policy regarding payment at time of service or invoicing.