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Holy Family School Parma

Field Trips

This service provider requires payment upfront : No

Price Range: $639 - $639

Phone Number: (440) 842-7785

Email: office@holyfamilyschoolparma.org

Address: 7367 York Road, Parma, Ohio 44130

Service Provider: 241212

Educational Value

“At Holy Family Catholic School, we’re building a better world where Christ’s love can be spread through education, service and unity one student at a time.” Holy Family School’s mission statement is true at the heart of our academics. Modeling Jesus, our instruction enriches students using all resources with positive, self-centered techniques in order to motivate them along their journey toward success. At Holy Family students develop the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, mental and physical attributes that will last a lifetime. Holy Family School follows the Curriculum of the Diocese of Cleveland and meets or exceeds State of Ohio Standards and OCSAA Standards. Field trips are an important supplemental learning resource that provide invaluable educational experiences outside of the classroom and support curriculum requirements. Our students become immersed in hands-on learning and exploration during interactive Washington D.C. Trip. The DC trip encompasses our Jr. High curriculum with many different facets. Our students will be continuing their social studies education by learning about the government and the various roles the government serves in our lives. Students will study science when they visit the Smithsonian Science Museum. There they will see how science, nature and humans all live together. We will learn about architecture when we visit the Hall of the Presidents which will continue our Art education. We will continue with our math curriculum during this trip when students calculate the distance and time for each place we will visit, and the duration of time spent there. The DC trip will have cross curricular activities which are contained in our daily studies and our diocesan curriculum.